Carnivorous mammals of the Cerrado-Pantanal corridor: distribution, ecology and conservation status

Studies involving the establishment of “ecological corridors” or “biodiversity corridors” are recent initiatives in conservation biology, to try to maintain or restore large amounts of natural vegetation in the landscape, to allow the movement of species between its extremes. Thereby avoiding the isolation of populations and, consequently, their genetic degeneration.

The Implementation of the Cerrado-Pantanal Corridor Project is an initiative of the NGO Conservation International, whose goal is to maintain the conservation of biodiversity through the connectivity between these two ecosystems. The main axis of the corridor surrounds the River Taquari – MS, whose source is located near Emas National Park – GO, part of the core area of the Cerrado, and runs until the interior of the Pantanal, more than 400 km away.

The study of carnivores in the corridor began in August 2001 and is in the stage of monitoring the species and its main prey in the largest remaining areas of natural vegetation. Camera traps (Figure 2) and censuses of tracks are the main methods used in this phase of the study. Among the objectives in the medium and long term are to know the distribution, ecology and conservation status of the jaguar, giant otter, maned wolf and bush dog in the corridor area.

Operational area


Responsible team

Project coordinators:

Anah T. A. Jácomo
Leandro Silveira



Mário Barroso Ramos Neto
Renato Alves

Studies involving the establishment of “ecological corridors” or “biodiversity corridors” are recent initiatives in conservation biology, to try to maintain or restore large amounts of natural vegetation in the landscape, to allow the movement of species between its extremes. Thereby avoiding the isolation of populations and, consequently, their genetic degeneration.

The Implementation of the Cerrado-Pantanal Corridor Project is an initiative of the NGO Conservation International, whose goal is to maintain the conservation of biodiversity through the connectivity between these two ecosystems. The main axis of the corridor surrounds the River Taquari – MS, whose source is located near Emas National Park – GO, part of the core area of the Cerrado, and runs until the interior of the Pantanal, more than 400 km away.

The study of carnivores in the corridor began in August 2001 and is in the stage of monitoring the species and its main prey in the largest remaining areas of natural vegetation. Camera traps (Figure 2) and censuses of tracks are the main methods used in this phase of the study. Among the objectives in the medium and long term are to know the distribution, ecology and conservation status of the jaguar, giant otter, maned wolf and bush dog in the corridor area.

Região de atuação


Equipe responsável

Project coordinators:

Anah T. A. Jácomo
Leandro Silveira



Mário Barroso Ramos Neto
Renato Alves

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