Make a donation

Your support is very important

Your contribution is very important for Pró-Carnívoros Institute to put into practice numerous projects. Make a donation by informing the data below and contribute to the continuity of initiatives that give voice to the carnivore mammals of Brazil.

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Donation Information

Help us with our suggested donation amounts or any value you desire.

Faça parte da luta pela conservação!
Get involved with our cause

Doe agora e proteja os carnívoros brasileiros.
Donate now and protect Brazilian carnivores.

Os mamíferos carnívoros são animais importantíssimos na teia alimentar. Ao apoiar nossa causa, você automaticamente está apoiando a conservação de outras espécies e seus habitats, que dependem deles para o controle da qualidade ambiental.
Carnivore mammals are extremely important animals in the food chain. By supporting our cause, you are automatically helping the conservation of other species and their habitats, who depend on them for control of environmental quality.

Donor Information

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Donation Information

Help us with suggested donation amounts.

Get involved with our cause

Donate now and protect Brazilian carnivores

Carnivore mammals are extremely important animals in the food chain. By supporting our cause, you are automatically helping the conservation of other species and their habitats, who depend on them for control of environmental quality.

You will be redirected to the Brazilian payment gateway PagSeguro so you can make your donation fast and securely.

@Adriano Gambarini