Support Pró-Carnívoros

@Adriano Gambarini

Check how you can support our cause and help the conservation of many animal species

Your contribution is very important for Pro-Carnivoros Institute to put into practice numerous projects. Make a donation by informing the data below and contribute to the continuity of initiatives that give voice to the carnivore mammals of Brazil.

@Adriano Gambarini

Prefer our partners when choosing products or services.

These companies, directly or through foundations linked to them, not only produce products and / or quality services at competitive prices but also invest part of their profits in the conservation of mammalian carnivores.

Discerning consumers who, when choosing products or services, consider environmental issues and the corporate responsibility of businesses, help to build a society that is more mature and responsible in its relationship with the environment.

Meet our partners

Environmental respect

Recycle materials, use waste disposal services, avoid pollution, save water and energy, find out about environmental issues in your region and, when it comes to vote, consider the position of your candidate on environmental issues.

@Adriano Gambarini