Marchini, S., & Crawshaw, P. G. (2015). Human-wildlife conflicts in Brazil: a fast-growing issue. Human Dimensions of Wildlife, 20(4), 323–328.

Ano de publicação: 2015

Human–wildlife conflicts have grown in Brazil over the past 10 years. There has been a dramatic increase in the number, diversity of species involved, and even in the severity of outcomes. This growth is attributed to several factors: expanding human settlement, growth of outdoor recreation, and increase in the number of species that have adapted to living in human dominated landscapes. Managing these species is complicated by the growing diversity of wildlife values among different publics. We describe conflicts involving jaguars, pumas, capybaras (associated with agricultural damage, vehicle collisions, and transmission of disease) and wild boars (a spreading exotic species involving issues of hunting/antihunting). Two critical needs are identified: (a) Move from a conservation to a management paradigm, where there is need to reduce populations, rather than the conventional situation where the population was expected to increase and (b) Apply interdisciplinary approaches with particular attention to bringing in the social sciences.


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