Tortato, M. A., & Oliveira, T. G. de. (2005). Ecology of the Oncilla (Leopardus tigrinus) at Serra do Tabuleiro State Park, Southern Brazil. Cat News, 42(January 2005), 28–30.

Ano de publicação: 2005

Of the eight species of Neotropical cats found in Brazil, the oncilla, also called the little spotted cat or gato-do-mato ( Leopardus tigrinus ) by its Portuguese name, is the smallest and one of the least known species (Nowell & Jackson 1996, Oliveira in press A). Most aspects of this felid’s natural history remain unknown. As a consequence, it has been the subject of a series of preconceptions regarding its biology, such as its occurrence in the Amazon basin and at lower altitudes (see Cat News 41).

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