Paula, R. C., Rodrigues, F. H. G., Bizerril, M. X., Songsasen, N., Eizirik, E., Morato, R. G., Santos, J. P., Azevedo, F. C., May-Júnior, J. A., Soares, C. C., Rocha, F. L., & Arrais, R. C. (2014). The Maned Wolf Conservation Project. In A. G. Consorte-McCrea & E. F. Santos (Eds.), Ecology and Conservation of the Maned Wolf (1a, pp. 177–192). CRC Press.

Ano de publicação: 2014

Wolves are controversial figures worldwide and much effort has focused on how to conserve them while addressing public concerns. With its solitary habits and fruit-eating diet, the endangered maned wolf roams the South American grasslands and swamps, playing a vital part in maintaining biodiversity hotspots. Compared to the grey wolf, little is known about its relationship with local people and the environment and the reasons for its decline, making research about this unique species an urgent concern. Ecology and Conservation of the Maned Wolf: Multidisciplinary Perspectives gathers the work o. Part 1. The species and ecology — part 2. Case studies and conservation programs — part 3. Perspectives for the future.


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