Dias, D. M; Massara, R. L; Campos, C. B. & Rodrigues, F. H. G. 2018. Behavioural ecology in a predator-prey system. Mammalian Biology 92 (2018) 30–36.

Ano de publicação: 2018

Predator-prey systems are regulated by a behavioral response race, in which the predator develops adaptations that enhance its hunting success and its prey adopt anti-predator strategies. In the present study, we analyzed the activity patterns, the influence of moonlight, and the habitat use of Leopardus pardalis and Puma concolor in comparison with their potential prey, Dasypus novemcinctus, Mazama gouazoubira, Pecari tajacu, Sapajus libidinosus, Kerodon rupestris, Cuniculus paca and Dasyprocta prymnolopha, in the Serra das Almas Nature Reserve in northeastern Brazil. Leopardus pardalis was predominantly nocturnal, while P. concolor presented a cathemeral pattern, however, the overlap coefficient between these species was high. The activity of L. pardalis overlapped strongly with three typical nocturnal prey (D. novemcinctus, K. rupestris and C. paca). While P. concolor had considerable temporal overlap with all prey. Both predators were habitat generalists, in contrast, most prey species exhibited a significant association with a specific type of habitat. The phases of the moon did not influence the activity patterns of the different species, except for K. rupestris, which was more active on moonlit nights. Our findings indicate that the predators maximize the efficiency of their foraging behavior by using habitats and the circadian cycle in a more generalist manner.

© 2018 Published by Elsevier GmbH on behalf of Deutsche Gesellschaft fur¨ Saugetierkunde


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