Grande, J. M., Zuluaga, S., & Marchini, S. (2018). Casualties of human-wildlife conflict. Science, 360(6395), 1309–1309.

Ano de publicação: 2018

In their Letter “Pesticides thwart condor conservation” (11 May, p. [612][1]), P. A. E. Alarcón and S. A. Lambertucci advocate a ban on carbofuran use in developing countries to prevent wildlife poisoning [e.g., ([ 1 ][2])]. We agree that pesticides should be restricted. However, pesticide bans are insufficient. After many countries banned strychnine, people continued to set poisoned baits for predators with other toxins, such as aldicarb, carbofuran, and endosulfan ([ 2 ][3], [ 3 ][4]). Commercialization of aldicarb has been forbidden in the European Union since 2003 ([ 4 ][5]) and carbofuran and endosulfan since 2007 ([ 5 ][6], [ 6 ][7]). Yet, more than 10 years later, they are still heavily used to illegally kill predators across Europe ([ 3 ][4], [ 6 ][7]). People willing to poison the animals they perceive as vermin can always find a way to access toxins. To effectively address the problem, we must consider its root: human-wildlife conflict. Human-wildlife conflict occurs when the behavior of a wild animal species—mostly high-profile animals such as top predators and mega-herbivores—poses a direct and recurring threat to people’s livelihoods and, in response, humans persecute the species ([ 7 ][8]). When humans attempt to kill the targeted species with a nonselective control method such as poison, other species are killed unintentionally. This is usually the case when condors and other nontargeted predators and scavengers feed on poisoned baits set for conflictive predators ([ 1 ][2], [ 8 ][9]). Human-wildlife conflict is also behind the intentional killing of Andean condors ( Vultur gryphus ) in areas where these birds have been accused of killing livestock ([ 9 ][10]). Given that human thoughts and actions ultimately determine the course and resolution of human-wildlife conflicts ([ 10 ][11]), the success of efforts to conserve condors and other scavengers and predators will rely on interdisciplinary research and management approaches that integrate natural and social sciences. For example, social scientists can provide insight into decision-making about wildlife and highlight connections between social and ecological systems ([ 11 ][12]). Meanwhile, marketing techniques honed by social scientists can influence attitudes, perceptions, and behaviors of individuals, and ultimately societies, with the objective of advancing conservation goals ([ 12 ][13]). Together with widespread stakeholder participation, including scientists, politicians, farmers, and hunters, these approaches offer a more cost-effective way to mitigate conflicts and increase tolerance of wildlife. 1. [↵][14]BirdLife International, “34 Andean Condors found dead in Argentina—the poisoning needs to stop” (2018); [][15]. 2. [↵][16]1. M. Hernández, 2. A. Margalida , Ecotoxicology 17, 264 (2008). [OpenUrl][17][CrossRef][18][PubMed][19][Web of Science][20] 3. [↵][21]1. N. Ruiz-Suárez et al ., Sci. Total Environ. 505, 1093 (2015). [OpenUrl][22] 4. [↵][23]2003/199/EC: Council Decision of 18 March 2003 concerning the non-inclusion of aldicarb in Annex I to Council Directive 91/414/EEC and the withdrawal of authorisations for plant protection products containing this active substance (2003); [][24]. 5. [↵][25]2007/416/EC: Commission Decision of 13 June 2007 concerning the non-inclusion of carbofuran in Annex I to Council Directive 91/414/EEC and the withdrawal of authorisations for plant protection products containing that substance (2007); <>. 6. [↵][26]1. A. De Roma et al ., J. Vet. Diagn. Invest. 29, 122 (2017). [OpenUrl][27] 7. [↵][28]1. C. Inskip, 2. A. Zimmermann , Oryx 43, 18 (2009). [OpenUrl][29][CrossRef][30] 8. [↵][31]1. D. Ogada , Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 1322, 1 (2016). [OpenUrl][32] 9. [↵][33]1. V. B. Cailly Arnulphi, 2. S. A. Lambertucci, 3. C. E. Borghi , PLOS ONE 12, 1 (2017). [OpenUrl][34][CrossRef][35][PubMed][36] 10. [↵][37]1. M. J. Manfredo, 2. A. A. Dayer , Hum. Dimens. Wildl. 9, 1 (2004). [OpenUrl][38] 11. [↵][39]1. D. J. Decker, 2. S. J. Riley, 3. W. F. Siemer , Human Dimensions of Wildlife Management (Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore, ed. 2, 2012). 12. [↵][40]1. A. J. Wright et al ., Ocean Coast. Manag. 115, 41 (2015). 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